20 Fascinating Facts About John Donahoe, Bain & CEO Of eBay

John Donahoe - Large - Celebrity Fun Facts

1) John Donahoe (°1960), President & CEO Of eBay, Inc

John Donahoe Bio Photo 1 - Celebrity Fun FactsJohn Donahoe (born in 1960) is President and CEO of eBay Inc, a leader in online commerce & payments. He took over as CEO in 2008, after Meg Whitman resigned from her 10-year post as CEO of eBay. Before his CEO post, Donahoe was President of Marketplaces at eBay, and during this time, he successfully doubled revenues and profits for his section (photo courtesy: eBay, Inc).

2) John Donahoe Attended Dartmouth College & Stanford

John Donahoe Photo 2 - Stanford MBA - Celebrity Fun FactsDonahoe has a BA degree with high distinction in Economics from Dartmouth College. He has an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

3) Constant Innovation & Testing At eBay, For Example: ‘eBay Now’

John Donahoe Photo 3One of eBay’s newest ideas for creative business is same day delivery, called eBay Now. Donahoe says that it can provide same day delivery at a large scale, but will need to work with other companies that are looking for the same thing (photo courtesy: eBay Mobile apps).

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